Hello to all the Angels fans (and fans of other teams) out there. I am excited to announce that I am one of the new writers for Prospects1500 covering the Angels. A little bit about myself. I am 25-years-old, currently living in Amherst, MA. I grew up in California and really wasn’t a baseball fan until I graduated high school. I learned to love baseball while watching the ballplayers my sister was housing for the Inland Empire 66ers during the summer of 2011. I spent most of my evenings at their games (yes even the ones in Bakersfield). After that summer I went off to Navy Boot camp and served for 4 years, then decided to get out and move to Massachusetts to go to UMass where I am currently majoring in Mathematics, which is just fancy wording for saying I get to be confused about more complicated math than normal people.
I am someone who is very open to all sorts of conversation, except on fashion and reality TV. If I am not at school or reading/watching/listening about American sports you can usually find me playing computer games. Strategy games are my favorite, most of them created by Paradox Interactive. Since Scott Greene talked about pro wrestling on his page I guess its okay in my Staff Intro. Becky Lynch is the best thing going for WWE right now and if you haven’t seen her spit fire at people it is worth the look up.
Over the past 8 years I have entrenched myself in all things baseball and tried to soak up as much knowledge as possible. I highly recommend the Saberseminar (Sabermetrics, Scouting, and the Science of Baseball) in Boston if you are in the area in the beginning of August. FYI Brian Bannister is a genius. I am really excited to share my view point of a farm system that is on the rise, and to discuss the backbone of MLB.
You can always find me on Twitter at @A_Rhodes77.
Prospects1500 Angels correspondent. Angels fan since he was 6, Andrew has been engrossed with baseball and the minor leagues since 2011. Participates in several fantasy leagues. Enjoyer of ancient history, video games, and memes. Don’t ask him to watch a show, you’ll almost never get him to watch one, especially not during the baseball season. Software Tester for the Navy thru ISPA Technology. Lives in Panama City Beach, FL with his dog Max. Follow on Twitter at @A_Rhodes77.
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