Howdy. My name is Dan Hogan and I’m the freak holding down the Cubs talk around here.
I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana, home of the Fort Wayne Tincaps (Padres single A). I’ve been playing fantasy sports for over ten years, but more recently dove into dynasty baseball. I have a healthy interest in data and statistics, and baseball is certainly a great sport for all that jazz. I’ll be covering the World Champion Cubs‘ minor league system for Prospects1500 and will keep an eye out for those up-and-coming prospects whom could add to the already talent-laden, young Chicago club.
If you do the whole Twitter deal, feel free to follow me: @BelowTheBenthic.
My name is Dan Hogan and I’m the freak holding down the Cubs talk around here. I’ve been playing fantasy sports for over ten years, but more recently dove into dynasty baseball. I have a healthy interest in data and statistics, and baseball is certainly a great sport for all that jazz.
Twitter: @BelowTheBenthic
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